A Bit About Us

We are passionate about ironwork! As a child, Roy had an immense interest in blacksmithing. That dream wasn't explored until Jessica found a coal forge for Roy at a garage sale in 2008. That pivotal moment started the cascade of events that have led us to where we are now.

A mentor and friend, Raymond Seim, helped to foster Roy's interest in blacksmithing in its early stages. It was further nurtured with Roy's participation in Southern Ohio Forge and Anvil blacksmith club. Roy also invested into his blacksmithing career by studying under master smiths such as Wayne Apgar, Peter Ross, and Thomas Latane.  

Blacksmithing morphed from being a hobby to being a full time business for us in 2010. Roy was in a car accident that prevented him working any further in his HVAC trade. Roy started selling his work at craft shows and online in addition to doing public demonstrations at local events in Dayton, Ohio. 

As Roy gained knowledge in blacksmithing, he discovered he had a love for sharing that information with others. He began teaching classes at Southern Ohio Forge and Anvil, Goshen Historical Society, and a variety of other locations. In 2019, we moved to Harrisville, Michigan. Although it is a remote area, we continue to nurture our blacksmithing community online. 

Roy has settled into his preferred forging style being French Baroque style ironwork. He now travels to conferences, continues to teach on YouTube, and offers in person and online classes.